4 Methods of Breathing for Focus & Stress Relief

It might sound simple but we as humans forget how to effectively breathe. 


When it comes to ice baths, your breath is your power. Using it wisely will help you to overcome stress and maintain your composure. 


In your every day life, a few breathing techniques can be used to help you overcome stress and enhance your focus. 



Get comfortable.


Breathe in through your nose for four counts, hold for four counts. Then breathe out for four counts, hold for four counts and repeat.




With lips just parted as if you were going to whistle, release all of your breath.


Breathe in through your nose for four counts, then hold your breath for seven counts. Again, release all of your breath for eight counts and repeat.




Purse your lips as if you were going to blow on hot food.


Breathe in through your nose for two counts, then out through pursed lips for four counts. You can increase timing, always ensuring the exhale is double the inhale.




Or diaphragmatic breathing.


Place one hand on your chest, the other on your stomach. Slowly breathe in through your nose, drawing air to your stomach and keeping your chest still. Breathe out through your mouth, continuing to keep your chest still and abdomen engaged. Repeat.

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